Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Online Education in 2020? | by Studyportals


when in the spring of 2020 a global pandemic shut the world down our daily lives changed workplaces emptied business shifted people stayed indoors one of the things that also rapidly changed was higher education

universities closed doors and began 
having lectures and exams online as for 
students well while some found distance 
learning is struggle many thought it 
gave them the freedom they needed but 
what really is online education online 
education allows you to study all sorts 
of degrees wherever you are in the world 
so you can easily do it from home at the 
local cafeteria or during your trip to 
Paris the one you're gonna have after 
the quarantine is over you could even do 
it on Mars if you had the connection it 
is at your own convenience 
next to that you can save a huge amount 
of money because there aren't any 
mobility costs and online programs are 
usually cheaper than the ones you need 
to attend also when studying from a 
distance you are the one running the 
show you can plan according to your 
personal schedule decide what is more 
effective for you and develop time 

management skills which are essential 

for your career furthermore with regular 
programs your study time is strictly 
scheduled whilst distance learning can 
easily allow you to work part-time or 
follow other things which you find 
important for your development the 
freedom is yours in the past ten years 
distance learning has grown 
significantly we see a new generation of 
students who enjoy simplicity 
flexibility and who are very tech 
oriented as we try to stay on top of 
unfolding events we need to remember to 
never stop learning while currently you 
may be at home wondering about your 
future you can explore our distance 
learning portal listing more than 15,000 
online courses online education is here 
for us and it will be here in the future 
perhaps now is the perfect time to 
embrace it so why not distance learning 
anyway if you want to know more on how 
you can make the best decision for yourself. 

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rishabh pant